Creating a website
Building an applicatio
Managing Digital Marketing
The idea of making learning accessible to all resonated with our client and they wished to build an inclusive platform where everyone could learn from the best, irrespective of their physical location. We were more than excited to take up this project. We helped our client in.
Koachme website has been carefully crafted keeping in mind all the latest designs and technical functionalities. The website gives a bird's-eye view to the plethora of services that Koachme provides.
Our expert team of developers managed to build an inclusive application that brought the coaches and students closer. The application has been carefully designed to make sure the user experience is seamless.
C)Digital marketing
After the website has been hosted and application has been successfully deployed, our team will now take up the role of Digital Marketing. We are currently in the process of developing a digital marketing strategy to realise their dream of creating a user base of 1000 users in the next 2 months, among other goals that Koachme wishes to achieve.
Tool used
Post Man
Technology Stack
React JS
Custom Made CMS
Google Firebase
Django Rest API
Excellent UI design
Diversified coach list
More integration
Inclusive platform
Why choose TATOS for Digital Marketing
Our digital marketing team was able to optimize the website by using the best Serch Engine Optimization methods. The company's Google My Business platform was a huge success as it made a lot of conversations through the platform. The website performance was well tracked with the Google Analytics tool.Any errors are performance downfall was handled well. We have also used search engine marketing tools like Google Ads to run ads for the business to increase the conversions. that toowas linked with the analytics tool to track its performance.

Here's how our services impacted Koachme
With our expertise and experience, our client was able to successfully optimize their resources in creating an Ed-Tech application. - With our services, our clients created a user base of 400 users who have successfully taken up at least one course.

Managing Director
Benivo Power solutions Pvt Ltd
I have started Skylight solar with zero online presence TATOS convinced me of the importance of a digital footprint and the way new-age customers get to know us. Thanks to TATOS Skylight solar is now the number one solar panel installation company in trivandrum.